Author Guidelines
- Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to share and discuss issues and research results. This journal is published by Universitas Baiturrahim. This journal publishes scientific articles on research results and reviews covering the fields of nursing, nutrition, midwifery, epidemiology, physiotherapy, environmental health, promoting health, reproductive health, occupational health and safety, health policy and administration, community nursing, community midwifery. This journal is published twice a year, in March and September.
- Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi is a forum for academics and practitioners to disseminate knowledge to the wider community in a reference to scientific work or scientific studies covering various sciences, this Journal publishes scientific papers on research and reviews in the fields of nursing, nutrition, midwifery, epidemiology, phsyoteraphy, environmental health, promoting health, reproductive health, occupational health and safety, health policy and administration, community nursing, community midwifery.
- Manuscripts that have been received and are ready to be published will be published in the Open Journal System (OJS) in stages in accordance with the periodical publishing schedule.
- We open up opportunities as much as possible for writers who want to contribute to Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi. The articles that come in should not be the result of plagiarism and have not been published elsewhere.
Manuscript Form
- Manuscripts received are manuscripts that have never been published before. If the manuscript turns out to have been published, then the legal risk borne by the author and will get sanctions from Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi.
- The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English.
- Manuscripts can be in the form of the results of a research (research paper) or a review text (thoughts).
- In the script, the writing of foreign language terms is italicized.
Submission Procedure
- The author sends the manuscript through The author can create an account as an author and enter articles online. The author can also send in soft copy via email: [email protected] or by registering online at the website.
- The author who has sent the manuscript will receive a receipt for receipt of the manuscript.
Note: Manuscripts received will not automatically be published, because they will go through a review process from the editorial board. If the manuscript has been received, please contact our team through the contact person.